
50% recurring commission

Unleash a host of advantages by teaming up with Proxyscrape. We go beyond the ordinary to make the best proxy services, ensuring a partnership that truly works for you and your referrals.

Join Affiliate Program
Duração do cookie de 30 dias
50% recurring commission
Up to $3000 per refferal
PayPal, cartão de crédito e outras opções de pagamento

Pagamentos totais


Em Pagamentos de afiliados


Current Active


Parceiros afiliados


Total Conversions


Fabricado pela nossa filial


Desfrute do nosso programa de afiliados


Duração do cookie de 30 dias

At ProxyScrape, we value your affiliate efforts. That's why we have set a cookie duration of 30 days. This means that if your referral buys within the first 30 days of clicking your link, you will get the commission.

50% recurring commission structure

At ProxyScrape, we believe in fostering mutually beneficial relationships with our partners. Our commission structure, offering a 50% recurring commission of each referral, is designed to reward our affiliates while encouraging collaboration and growth.

Inscreva-se ou inicie sessão no nosso programa de afiliados

Unlock the potential to earn substantial commissions by partnering with ProxyScrape through our Affiliate Program. Whether you're a seasoned affiliate marketer or new to the field, our program offers an opportunity to monetize your traffic and connections effectively.

Crie o seu próprio link de afiliado pessoal

Maximize your earning potential by generating your unique affiliate link with ProxyScrape. Whether you're a content creator, influencer, or an affiliate marketer, this personalized link allows you to track referrals and earn commissions effortlessly.

Partilhe a ligação de afiliado com o seu público

Once you've generated your unique affiliate link with ProxyScrape, it's time to share it with your audience. Engage your followers, readers, or network by leveraging various platforms to maximize your referral potential and earnings.

Receber o pagamento após 30 dias

At ProxyScrape, we value transparency and reliability, including in our payment process. After successfully earning commissions through our Affiliate Program, you can expect payments to be processed on a monthly basis, with 30-days after the commission.
Tire partido do nosso programa de afiliados hoje mesmo.

Características brilhantes

Recapitulação rápida


O que obtém?

Enjoy generous commissions on each successful sale. Access a variety of creative assets, including custom banners and videos, to enhance your promotions.

  • Comissões lucrativas
  • Apoio abrangente
  • Recursos criativos

Porquê escolher Proxyscrape?

Partner with a leader in Proxyscrape, offering cutting-edge proxy solutions that stand out in the market with the intention to keep improving. Experience our products firsthand with a complimentary trial, supported by comprehensive documentation and live chat assistance.

  • Soluções inovadoras
  • Acesso de teste

Os nossos serviços de proxy

Empowering Your Online Experience At Proxyscrape, we take pride in offering a comprehensive suite of proxy services designed to elevate your online activities to you and your referrals. Whether you're a business seeking proxies for web-scraping or an individual aiming for unrestricted access to websites, our services are tailored to meet your unique requirements.

Proxy Solutions for Every Need

Explore our diverse range of proxy solutions, from residential proxies for unmatched anonymity to data center proxies for high-speed browsing. We cater to businesses, developers, and individuals with precision.

Desempenho inigualável

Experience seamless browsing and unparalleled speed with our state-of-the-art proxy infrastructure. Our commitment to performance ensures that your online activities remain swift and efficient.

Enhanced Security and Privacy

Experience seamless browsing and unparalleled speed with our state-of-the-art proxy infrastructure. Our commitment to performance ensures that your online activities remain swift and efficient.

Dedicated Customer Support

Our support team is here to ensure your journey with ProxyScrape is seamless. Whether you have technical inquiries or need assistance with configuration, we're just a message away.

Pronto para iniciar a sua viagem de afiliado?

Opções de pagamento


Cartão de crédito virtual

Transferência eletrónica
(apenas nos EUA)

Vasta gama
de cartões de oferta

As suas referências estão em boas mãos

Perguntas mais frequentes

Obter mais informações sobre a nossa plataforma que o ajudarão a obter todos os benefícios da nossa parte.
Todas estas perguntas são feitas pela primeira vez

Como funciona o programa de afiliados?
You sign up and get automatically approved. Once you sign up, you will get your personal referral link; you can use this link to share with people who might be interested in our services. If people click your link, you will receive a 50% recurring commission purchase if they buy within the first 30 days of clicking your link.
Quem é elegível para este programa?
Todos os que têm clientes potenciais a referir.
Quando é que recebo as minhas comissões?
Receberá as suas comissões 30 dias após a conversão.
Quais são os pagamentos mínimos?
Embora por vezes permitamos pagamentos mais pequenos, de um modo geral, o pagamento mínimo é de 10$.
Qual é a duração do cookie de rastreio?
O cookie permanecerá no browser do utilizador 30 dias após ter clicado na sua ligação.
Qual é o procedimento de aplicação?
Basta inscrever-se e será aceite no programa.